Friday, February 18, 2011

Memory Lane

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him."~Psalm 127:3

Today is THE day. Today is the day I say goodbye to my daycare friends. Although I've been praying and planning and preparing, I'm surprised by the spontantous emotions I'm feeling. I'm also surprised by the memories that are creeping into my thoughts and making my eyes fill with tears.

Walk down memory lane with me?

I remember cranking out data entry, with  newborn Lily in the crook of my arm, lulled to sleep by the click and clatter of the keys.

I remember Lily so small, in her carseat, coming to basketball games. Everyone ooooh'd and aaahhhhh'd at her precious face!

I remember Lily in her highchair in my office at Coastal Medical, with post-it notes on her forehead, laughing hysterically. I called her grandmother that day and set the phone down so that she could hear her grandchild's belly laugh.

I remember Lily the Ladybug at the Town Library. Her first Halloween party was so much fun! The picture of her "crashing" on our way home remains my favorite photo.

I remember Avery's first day. Lily couldn't keep her hands or her mouth off her. Hugs and kisses all day long. They fell in love.

I remember watching them run through the cornstalks and searching for pumpkins with Coach in the garden.

I remember our grocery store excursions....two carts, two babies, two sippy cups, two snacks and lots of comments....."Boy do you have your hands full." My response was always the same..."Yes, I a good way".

I remember playing with flour all over the floor (what was Chelsea thinking....actually I already know....flour is sooooo soft Mom) and fingerpainting.....and playing in the sandbox and the water table and long walks because we stopped to inspect every rock, flower and tree.

And then Bella joined the group. She was the sweetest baby ever.....I told her parents all the time they should have named her "Joy"....boy can that girls smile light up the room!

I remember Bible Studies on times with more children than adults....the chaos, the smell, the tantrums, the fun.

I remember playing in the snow and playing in the leaves and splashing in the puddles.

I remember bringing all three of them to softball games. Two on a "leash" and one in the backpack. It was quite an adventure. There's nothing like the sound of a couple of two year olds yelling "Go Chelcheeeee!"

We've had some visitors along the way too Cameron and Addie and Connor and Tyler too. I remember the fun having visitors brought to daycare, a whole new dimension.

I remember the stories we read, the songs that we danced to, the pictures you colored for me. I remember the spontaneous hugs, the "I love you chelle"s, the way your precious faces look when you're sleeping.

I remember.

I remember and I always will.

Dear God~Thank you for bringing these children and these families into my life. I know this isn't goodbye but rather "see you soon". Thank you for the memories we made together. I pray that you will bless their lives and their futures. I know you have a plan for each of us. In Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. Dear Wonderful Daughter, all those precious little angels were blessed with YOU. Except for their mothers, I doubt seriously there was another loving soul in this world who could have nurtured them so well in these first weeks and months of their lives. You made them laugh, you showed them the world is full of love, if we open ourselves to it. God bless you and them today, and GOOD LUCK on what tomorrow has in store. I know its going to be special.

  2. Yeah, what Dad said. Love you!
