Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Mine!

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
~1Corinthians 13:14

Valentine's Day is such a FUN holiday, don't you think?

I've always loved it. I love showering the people I love with gifts and cards and making them feel special. It's a thrill for me to find  the perfect gift that I  know they'll enjoy. The perfect scent, the favorite candy, the card with exacty the right words.

As I was driving today, thinking about Valentine's Day, I realized there are so many people in my life that I'm not able to send a gift to, for one reason or another. They may not longer be "with us"....financially its just not feasible....and even time would be a major factor. There are alot of people on this list and alot of reasons to tell them "I LOVE YOU"!

I'm feeling especially grateful this year for all of the love, support, forgiveness, growth, courage, companionship, and grace. And so, this is a tribute to the people I love the most in the world...the people who have affected my life so profoundly that I am who I am, in part, because of them. Although I may not say it every day, I love you, you are important to me and I am blessed that you are a part of me.

I love you................

Mom and Dad~for showing me that love doesn't always fit a certain mold. Society doesn't always accept it, people may challenge it, but real love prevails, always.

Biggie~for being a woman of courage, commitment and dedication. You accomplished what others said you could not. You held your head high and stayed true to yourself. You are a role model for all women, everywhere.

Nana&Papa~you were the best pieces of my childhood, allowing me to be a child, to dream,  to imagine and to just be myself in your presence.

Georgia~because you told me The Truth. You spent time with me, nutured me, listened and taught me, the truth about God. Your willingness to invest your life mentoring women is remarkable. You have become one of my dearest friends.

Donna~you are the most gentle, caring, selfless person. I always feel  loved when I am with you.

Michelle D~your kind spirit and love for God is so inspiring. It is amazing how much alike we are, truly amazing. Wondertwin power......

Michelle C~girl, you have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?  I love that I can talk with you, laugh with you and be real with you, knowing you'll do the same thing with me!

Michele C~an instant connection during Lamaze class! who'd have thought nearly 20 years later, we'd still be hanging out. I love that although we can't see each other very often, we  ALWAYS pick up right where we left off.

Randy & Shannon~you are such loyal loving friends. You have stood beside us, adopted my girls as your own neices. You are priceless and so is your friendship.

Mary~a true woman of grace. Your joy for life is contagious and you make me want better for myself. We barely know each other and yet I feel as though I've known you forever.

Traci~I love the way you embrace life. You make no excuses, you just jump in with both feet. Your enthusiasm and love for God is infectious!

Deb~my tell-it-like-it-is girlfriend. I never wonder what you're thinking!!! (heeeee heee) but I always know I can share my views and you'll listen without judgement. Your encouragement and support with daycare meant alot to me!

Jonathan & Rebecca~you are both such special people, full of life and love. Your creativity, passion for your children and kindness to your friends is beautiful.

My church family~you accepted me, wrapped your arms around me and brought me into your world with such love. I wasn't an outsider, I was part of a family.

Lily~circumstances have prevented us from seeing each other. My love for you will never change though. You brought me such pure joy. You have a special place in our family, you always will. I have faith that someday, I will look into those crystal blue eyes again!

And last but certainly not least..................

Kristi&Chelsea~you have taught me unconditional love. Never before have I experienced  a love so deep, so profound, so enormous that I literally FEEL what you feel. You are my most beloved treasures, a true gift from God.

Tam~you have taught me forgiveness and compassion and what it means to be REAL. You challenge me in ways I am to afraid to challenge myself. You love me and trust me and accept me just the way I am. You are my best friend forever and I thank God every single day for you. I am in awe that after 18 years we are together again!!!!  Thank you for making that call! You are the sister I always wanted. You are the person I can cry my heart out to and laugh til I cry with.  I love you tons!

Chris~I honestly believe that God brought you into my life when I was 14 years old. You are my hero. I love you more than you can ever know. For standing beside me and  fighting for us. For always looking on the bright side and for pushing me hard enough that I'd want to see the world that way too. For keeping me warm late into the night and bringing me coffee every morning. For the dreams that we've watched come true and the ones we've yet to dream together. For the laughter we've shared and even the tears. For being the one thing that has been constant in my life for the past 27 years. I adore you.

Dear God~Thank you for each of these people and the roles they play in my life. Today, a special day, set aside for expressing love, I ask that you bless each one abundantly. May they know how very much I love them and more importantly, how much you love them too. In Jesus' name~Amen!

Happy Heart-shaped Hugs!

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